Json Support

New in version 16.05.

Deepgreen DB includes json type ported from Postgres 9.3. See the postgres documentation for details.

Note that the following functions are not supported at this time: json_each, json_each_text, json_extract_path, json_extract_path_text, json_object_keys, json_populate_record, json_populate_recordset, json_array_elements, and json_agg.


To install the json extension, perform the following commands on your Deepgreen DB host:

% source deepgreendb/greenplum_path.sh
  % psql your-database -f $GPHOME/share/postgresql/contrib/json.sql

Try It Out

  % psql test
  test=# select '[1,2,3]'::json->2;
  (1 row)
  test=# create temp table mytab(i int, j json) distributed by (i);
  test=# insert into mytab values (1, null), (2, '[2,3,4]'), (3, '[3000,4000,5000]');
  INSERT 0 3
  test=# select i, j->2 from mytab;
   i | ?column? 
   2 | 4
   1 | 
   3 | 5000
  (3 rows)